Stage Line Silk Veil Primer

Hola, Amigos! I am overwhelmed by the response you guys are giving to my posts. Keeps me motivated to make it a routine :-) Stay tuned, I have loads planned for you, lovelies. Raise your hands if you saw Stage Line Professional counters in the beauty sections of major superstores in Karachi and Lahore. I have! Every time I'd pass by them, I would swatch a product or two. I'd think - Let's go home and check online for reviews if that XYZ product is worth it. Sadly, I would find very limited information on the products - let alone, proper reviews. I'd never take the plunge, even when the foundation sticks & blushes intrigued me ah-lottt! When I got the chance to try out a Stage Line Professional Pakistan product through Daraz.PK, I knew I want to check the Silk Veil out. Pores are the enemies of us oilies. I have combination skin with gaping pores and it is my quest to find an HG pore minimizer which doubles as a primer. How has this fared against my expectations - let's find out:

Stage Line Silk Veil Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher retails at PKR 1,500 for 25ml product. It comes in a standard translucent plastic tube with a cap. You have to squeeze the tube to dispense the product (I feel like I could have gone without this sentence, but okay :D ). I do like the simple packaging which feels luxe. Also, it is compact and light weight, so you can easily carry it in your purse or makeup bag for travel.

Silk Veil contains Hyaluronic Ac, Vitamin A & E as the key ingredients. Before I got this, I was somewhat confused whether it will be skincare product or a makeup one. This is definitely a good ol' makeup primer with claims of added benefits from vitamins and Hyaluronic acid - an ingredient which is known to keep skin collagen soft, smooth, and happy with retaining moisture & getting rid of toxins. Since there is no ingredient details list on the packaging, I am not too sure what concentration of these "magical" ingredients are we talking about. The product claims to suit all skin types. I have combination skin that leans dry in colder months and oily in Summers. I never found any primer to be moisturizing, so I wear moisturizer underneath to not have any dry patches since Fall/Winter season is approaching. 

The Silk Veil is applied like a primer on bare skin or over your regular moisturizer, day cream, or sun block. It claims to "refinish" the skin and giving a "silk feeling". It does offer a silicone smooth feeling when applied over the face. My pores have been not too obvious due to changing weather, so I'd say the primer covered them up about 60-70% of them. The second claim is to make your foundation last longer. This claim is hard to test for me right now because my makeup usually stays in place with/without primer. I'd keep wearing this next few weeks over the Eid and barbeques to see how it fares under heavier makeup.

Although, it doesn't claim to control oil, I was hoping that it would somehow help. I wore my BB cream over Silk Veil and went to an open-air gathering near sea at night. It was humid and my face was inexplicably oily. I understand that's the job of the compact powder (which I had applied), but still no luck! I must say that my pores did look smooth even when I came back home and the BB cream I applied did stay in place, despite the humidity. Point, Silk Veil!

The Silk Veil didn't break me out or cause any skin irritation. Oh, and this primer has faint fragrance of something a little sour. It is not uncomfortable, but it fades away immediately after you apply it over your face. I'm not bothered by fragrances mostly, so this is just a heads-up for those who are particular about this stuff. The consistency of the primer is thinner than others I have used. It helps the product get absorbed quickly in the skin without giving a feeling of your skin being oily/slippery. You simply need less than a pea-size to cover your face. I apply primarily on my T-Zone with visible pores and blend the residue in on the rest of my face. This sure is going to last you for a few months.

So, summarizing it all, I like how it doesn't ball up under my foundation or BB cream. Gets absorbed quickly and covers my pores fairly well. The sad part is the oil control issue I faced once. That didn't occur indoors, though. The price is higher for the type of product. People would find it somewhat difficult to invest in a PKR 1,500 primer of a company which does not have much consumer presence. My verdict is:

I have a feeling I'd be reaching for this throughout Winters due to its light-weight coverage. Will update you guys, if anything changes. You can order Stage Line Professional products online via Daraz.PK for quick & easy delivery to your doorstep.

Share what Stage Line products have you used & what is your feedback about them?



**PR Sample**


  1. Really great review :) Would you personally recommend this for the summertime?

  2. Great review. I love reading your posts :)

  3. Nice review!

  4. An honest review finally ... This looks like an ok primer for dry skin... but in Rs 1500 you can get some better options too.

  5. The price isn't that bad but if you pay a bit more you can get many better known primers!!

    Would you mind checking out my links and possibly following?

  6. Put simply, primer is exactly what its name implies: It's a preparatory product that's applied after your skin care to create an ideal canvas to hold onto whatever makeup comes afterward — like foundation, tinted moisturizer, or concealer.
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