The Winter TAG

I am powering through the sleep and procrastination to fulfill my weekend resolution - Catch up on EVERYTHING blogging. My next stop will be spamming the fellow bloggers' lovely posts that I have been unable to read for past few days :-) Without further ado, let's do one of my favorite things - TAG!!! The super cool Shehrzad of Pretty Peachy and Pink and Huda of The Lipstickholic tagged me sometime ago to share my winter-ness. Since the winters are about to leave in our part of the world, let's hurry and get done with the tag while the season remains :-D
1. Your Favorite Winter Nail Polish?

I don't have respectable nail length to wear the nail polish on my fingers and I keep the toes covered, so there isn't much nail polish situation going on for me in winters. If I could, I guess my favorites would be some glossy nude/taupe or deep red with blue undertones.

2. Favorite Winter Lip Product?

You'd expect me to pick some kind of a balm, but for me - ANY LIPSTICK for the win :-P My lips are not easily chapped (Praise Thy Lord :-D), so I can wear any lipstick formula even in extreme cold. For casual days, I put on a Revlon Lip Butter and for work a more pigmented/longlasting lipstick.

3. Most Worn Winter Clothing Piece?

[I may take and post pictures later on, but...] The most abused piece of winter clothing has been my Debenhams Black Knit Wrap. It's a cape that I have worn to the gym, at a formal dinner, during my sleep, etc. etc. It's so warm and comfy! The second piece of clothing that I wore as much is an oversized hoodie (of my dearest Brother's). It's plain Navy Blue unbranded kind that is exported after branding. Even after excessive usage, it has remained as good as new. Btw, I wonder why they make ladies' hoodies so small o.O Haha! I guess I need to enter the "lady" size chart range to see it for myself :-P

4. Most Worn Winter Accessory?

My Dior sun-shades. I can barely open my eyes under the Sun. Not being a nancy, but with my weak eyesight and contact lens usage, my eyes are quite sensitive. I shuffle like blind in sunlight, so I (Dad :P) invested in a good pair of sun-shades which have been an absolutely FAVORITE accessory of mine.

5. Favorite Winter Scent/Candle?

I love good fragrances, but I can't explain them for the life of me. I don't like sweet/sugary strong scents in any season. For Winters, I prefer something stronger that remains in your clothing despite the layering.

6. Favorite Winter Beverage?

I've been binge drinking.....the Tapal Green Tea. It's not my favorite per se... but I have been using it for detox. Generally, I don't take tea/coffee. Oh, Yakhni/Chicken Stock as per my Mom's recipe is very yummy. ^_^

7. All Time Favorite Holiday Movie?

There are many, yet there are none. I wouldn't classify them as "holiday" or "family" movies either. It's 5:30 in the morning and I can't think straight. Oh, DARK KNIGHT is one of my favorite films EVER. Sorry, I'm forgetting the names of feel-good chick-flicks right now :-D

8. Favorite Holiday Food/Treat?

Without a doubt, SOUPS! All and every! <3

9. What's At The Top Of Your Wishlist?

Weightloss....followed by logo'n ki tareefain :-P

10. Plans For Winter Holidays?

Be lazier than usual. A task well-done these winters :-D

So, there you go with my haphazard replies. Will hopefully be brushing up the post soon with relevant pictures. 

My lovely nominees for the tag are:

Ayesha from The Ayesha's Blog
JayBee from Jaybee's Journal
Fia from ILovely
Ana from Ana's Journal
Laila from The Happy Therapy 

Did you guys enjoy your winters? Would you miss the cold weather or are you looking forward to the Spring/Summer...and how-can-I-forget the explosion of everything LAWN :D




  1. great tag! :) And i love your blog! and can't wait to read more! I also followed you on GFC!

    Also I'm new to blogging and i'm trying to meet some fellow bloggers so I'd love if you had some time if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think! it'd be greatly appreciated! And maybe even follow me on bloglovin or gfc if you like and want to!

    thanks so much xoxo Randa

  2. Yayy... enjoyed your answers a lot... :) Am looking forward to summers/spring. Have had enough of winters now....
    Wish you good luck sweety

  3. Enjoyed reading your answers....xoxoxo....:P

  4. such an honest post ... just missing few pics :)
