Products I Love-Hate

An appropriate title would be Products I Sometimes Like*
*Terms and Conditions Apply.
Have I confused you with this twisted explanation? Yes? No? May be?

Things are going to be a lot worse better with what I have to say here:

Sometimes makeup feelings are complicated. When you use an item, you may not absolutely love or hate something. Right? '
There is stuff that is mediocre.
Stuff that is not great, but not so bad either.

Your makeup feelings and experiences cannot be black or white. Good or Bad.
It is rather easy to pop open a bottle of any makeup item and apply it on yourself.
When you do that, what results to you expect?

You think that we'd either love it or hate it. More or less than other items we have in the same category. 
Sometimes, life isn't that simple. 
There are certain products that I grabbed after rave reviews and a lot of hype surrounding them. It was only natural to expect a lot out of them. In a way, they did work well for me. Some of them became a 'favorite' of mine. However, they either stopped being their awesome self or would require special effort to get desired results. In few cases, I discovered a better item(s) in terms of price, quality, and performance, that - naturally - made me question my previous choices. Fallen from grace, if you may.

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